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Found 889 results for any of the keywords neonatal ataxia. Time 0.010 seconds.
Neonatal Ataxia (NAA) - Jack Russell Terrier Research FoundationNeonatal Ataxia (NNA) is a progressive, neonatal onset, cerebellar ataxia described in Jack Russell Terriers. Clinical signs consist of intention tremors, loss of coordination, and inability to stand and move in a forwar
Diseases in the Jack Russell Terrier - Jack Russell Terrier Research FInformation on diseases that affect Jack Russell Terriers including Primary Lens Luxation, Spinocerebellar Ataxia and Canine Degenerative Myelopathy.
Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation - JRTRFThe goal of the Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation is to minimize hereditary disorders to the Jack Russell resulting from misbreeding.
Donate to the JRTRF to the Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation (JPlease support the JRTRF with a tax-deductible donation and by placing your terriers DNA in the JRTRF Bank. Please donate today!
Cataracts - Jack Russell Terrier Research FoundationA cataract is a clouding of the lens inside the eye and is the most common cause of blindness in dogs. Cataracts can be caused by injuries or diabetes, but most cataracts in dogs are inherited.
Upcoming Events - Jack Russell Terrier Research FoundationThis page contains events related to the Jack Russell Terrier Research Foundation like blood draws and special events.
Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA) - Jack Russell Terrier Research FoundatioWhen there are changes in the spinal cord in a dog with cerebellar ataxia, the disease is often call spino-cerebellar ataxia (SCA).
Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) - Jack Russell Terrier Research FoundatioDegenerative Myelopathy is a progressive disease of the spinal cord in older dogs. The disease has an insidious onset typically between 8-14 years of age.
Glossary - Jack Russell Terrier Research FoundationJack Russell Terrier Research Foundation
Hyperuricosuria (HUU) - Jack Russell Terrier Research FoundationHyperuricosuria (HUU) means elevated levels of uric acid in the urine. This trait predisposes dogs to form stones in their bladders/kidneys.
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